Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Going Greek

We have wrapped up our units on Ancient China and Ancient India, and this week began our final social studies unit on Ancient Greece.  This is a topic that has high student interest (thank you Percy Jackson), and so I thought we would try something different from our regular book reading and discussion.  Enter, the "Going Greek" simulation!

Students will learn about Ancient Greece through activities designed to make them understand what life was like during that time.  Students have been sorted into "polis" groups (Argos, Athens, Corinth, Megara, and Sparta) which they will work with throughout the simulation. They will learn about Greek life, food, art, philosophy, and literature, as they compete with other polis groups for Hellaspoints. Students will also dress like the Ancient Greeks in chitons which they will design themselves.  Information about this went home last night.

A big part of this simulation is the Greek Festival.  Students will be responsible for a presentation during this festival, and this will be a huge part of their grade. Packets for this project, including the scoring rubric, will go home today. All projects are due on MAY 11, 2016.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me!