Hello, and welcome to our class blog! This is the space where I will write brief posts and generally keep you updated about what is going on in class. Be sure to check the tabs above for more information.
Upcoming Events provides a list of important dates throughout the school year.
Current Units will tell you what we are studying each week. Under the
Gallery tab, student work will be displayed. Probably the most important tab is the
Homework tab. Each day, I will post the homework for the night on this page. If your child is anything like my kids, then he/she may "forget" to write down homework occasionally. I find that this system helps keep parents in the loop about what assignments and projects their child should be working on at home, and when those long-term assignments are due. In the sidebar, you will see links to some educational sites and resources, as well as a banner for Scholastic Books. Clicking on this banner will take you directly to the sign-in page for our class orders.
Since this blog is public, I make sure to keep all posts anonymous, and will never post a picture of your child's face online. The privacy and safety of your child are extremely important!
If you have any questions about the blog, or have difficulty accessing it, please feel free to email me directly at my school address, which is listed at the bottom right of our class newsletter. I look forward to working with both you and your child this year!